Studio - Trying size and medium

  • 24 January 2025

Since November 24, I have focused on size - how do I go larger? Traditionally, watercolour doesn't go too large.

Do I prefer the numerous A4-sized paintings making up one work to tell a story?

Or does one large painting tell the same story, ask the same questions?

And medium - if I go larger, do I need to change to medium?

To kick start trying a different medium, I attended a Michael Shepherd 4-day workshop at Browne School of Art - Personal Narratives. I started with oil paint but just a mess on day one, wet paint everywhere and nothing to show for it. Switched to acrylic (never used before!!) - of which I only had limited student quality paint and brushes. But worked with what I had.

I used the same image throughout the course. Paintings are 400 x 300mm.

Result - I'm not convinced the paintings are as strong as in pink and blue. Same image below.

So my next step is to try an A2 size painting in watercolour. This doesn't work for me - the A4 image seems powerful, but the large loses it all.
An image using pink and blue - doesn't work for me. I want to try more abstract landscapes depicting loss.
A2 size abstract paintings 0n watercolour paper soaked in Piako River water and mud.

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