Studio Work Aug/Sep 2024
- 9 September 2024
This post is an attempt to show everything I've tried, explored and played with over last few weeks. So its messy, like the work. Julian did say don't worry if its ugly!
Julian's suggestion of trying tissue paper - a bit of trial and error working out how to paint on it without having it stick to any surface. Found it - paint on towelling, worked a treat. I'm interested in using this tissue paper somehow - layers sewn together, a background
A visit to art supplies to buy more tissue paper, and again none. But right beside the empty shelf is butter paper. I immediately like the link to kahikatea and the butter boxes used for shipping product. Initially painting green bush.
From the start of this project on the Hauraki Plains, I have collected old images and maps online, or in books, that relate to the Hauraki Plains and to my family. So I began painting some of these old photos onto the butter paper - I've really enjoyed the 'bad' contrast of the old images. It leaves some of the details out, and asks questions. I've played with different variations - just two values, or three, or fully toned. This is a collection of the many I have done. Some have worked, some not. These are the paintings which I've enjoyed painting, and feel like there is something to show an audience.
So far, I have seven selected as successful and thinking about about displaying them like a clothesline on twine, all sewn together.
And a few works on paper. I've been playing with maps all along but haven't resolved it yet.
I have collected a bin of river water and mud and have soaked watercolour paper. Once dry, its fairly gritty to paint on, and the paint is hard to control well.
Using a map image and also a family portrait image. A combination of the map, or a map, and a family or Hauraki Plains image in the one painting is something I want to explore more.