Reading to come

  • 30 March 2024
  • Waihou Journeys, Caroline Philips
  • The Forgotten Coast, Richard Shaw (current read)
  • On the last afternoon : disrupted ecologies and the work of Joyce Campbell. Campbell, Joyce. New Zealand : Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi, 2019
  • Sand Country Almanac, Aldo Leopold. Oxford University Press, 1949
  • Future Eaters, Tim Flannery. Reed Books, 1994
  • Guns, Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond. W W Horton, 1997
  • New Zealand as Ecosystems, Geoff Park. DOC, 2000
  • Shifting Nature, Photographs by Wayne Barrar and an Essay by Geoff Park. OUP, 2001
  • The Penguin History of New Zealand, Michael King. Penguin, 2003
  • Theatre Country: Essays on Landscape and Whenua, Geoff Park. VUP, 2006
  • Beyond the Scene (Landscape and Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand), eds Janet Stephenson, Mick Abbott and Jacinta Ruru. OUP, 2010
  • Endeavour, Anton Maurer

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